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Karrington’s Kreations is a creative culinary, confectionery design company named for one of my greatest creations—my daughter Karrington. As one whose plate was already filled with being a wife and mother; I was also an Employment Specialist, graduate student, and a First Lady. There was no room on my platter for much else. Though I hail from creative roots, the world of creative pastries and other culinary delights was not on my horizon, or even in my vision. But in 2011, HE INVESTED IN ME - The creative spark to BAKE was ignited . . .

I discovered my life’s purpose when I answered the calling to BAKE:


  • Bake And Kreate Everyday!

  • Bring A Kreative Element!

  • Be A Kreative Example!

  • Birth A Kreative Experience!

  • Be A Kreative Enjoyment!

I Bake and Kreate Everyday; therefore, I am Shunta Lee Williams,
Baker and Confectioner Extraordinaire.

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